
Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Hair Color - How To Get Dark Red Hair!!

Hi guys!

So i've noticed that a lot of you who have been reading my circle lens reviews aren't asking me about the lesnes, but about my hair! haha! So today I am going answer the burning question:
"How did you get your hair color!?"
So for starters, I will admit that this color was sort of an experiment, I had no idea how my hair was gonna turn out. I just gave myself a super ugly dyejob and used red to cover it up. Soooo here's how it happened.
First I had black hair. I had been dying it black for years and years and years and really wanted a change. I got sooo sick of it after a while.
I also used to put bright ass colors in it too. lol. So I was then faced with the challenge of removing the black dye. EEeek. Risky, much? My first thought was BLEACH. I really didn't wanna mess with that stuff. The part where the blue was is super dry now because I had to bleach my hair white to get that vibrant color. SO I went to Sally's Beauty Supply in search of a 'color remover' that could possibly get the black out. I found this product:,default,pd.html?cgid=Hair05-10
So I used it and it worked! But the catch: I had to do the treatment seriously SIX TIMES to remove all the harsh black dye from my hair. The good thing was that it wasn't terribly damaging to my hair. SO after all my treatments, this is the color I got:
SOO MUCH LIGHTER!!! But the problem was, since the black dye I used had a blue hue to it, this light brown was sort of green. UGHH ewww I hated it sooo much!! I didn't want to use a chemical dye to do over it, my hair had been through enough. So I got the brilliant idea to use the remainder of my Manic Panic Vampire Red all over my hair. I didn't know (or care) how it turned out, I just wanted the nasty greenish brown in my hair to GTFO lol.
This is what saved my life/hair. I applied it alllll over my head and washed it out and got the color it is now! I have been dying it this color for about 6, maybe 7 months and I looove it so much, I will probably never go back to black, ever ever again haha. Here is the result :)

Buuuuttt BEWARE:
This dye stains!! So don't use white towels on wet hair or wear any clothes that could be stained by red dye for a few days after dying, as there is massive color transfer. You also probably don't wanna go swimming because this stuff will turn the pool pink lol!

Thats bout it, if you have a questions feel free to ask!


  1. your hair is such a beautiful color!!~ & it's so shiny too!~ >< I'm jealous!! how do you get your hair to be so shiny!?

  2. haha, did you go to tthe poool and made it pink? thats why you know :P haha ! i think you look reallly pretty with the blue/teal hair color :D looks really nice. the 2nd last picture, the red looks SOOO vibrant, bright and RED :D

  3. wow thats really red and really nice! :D both black and red looks good on u !

  4. I looooooove the red hue on you. I used to dye mine a similar color but it was so hard to maintain that i just stopped :P Adorable blog, btw!


  5. You look more pretty with red than black hair <:

  6. I used Manic Panic "wildfire".
    i bleached the hair first then once i washed the bleach out,i dyed it with the manic panic.but within 3 days it is mostly all faded out.Any tips to keep my color?

  7. i've been thinking of going a dramatic red, but i'm curious, how often do you dye it to maintain vibrance?

  8. how did you put blue in your hair like that? i want to try it so bad! do you have a tutorial?

  9. Great. You have a healthy looking hair as well.

    healthcare consulting

  10. how often do you have to dye it to keep the color that red? and in how long does it wash off? i love the color <3

  11. Do you have to bleach it first?

  12. i've used this color as well.....among many others. the best solution that i've found to saving my towels is using white, and then bleaching them. the manic panic stain comes right out =)

  13. OMG I LOVE THAT COLOUR AND YOUR HAIR!!!! soooo pretty i have a jar of vampire red hair dye im going to dye my hair that colour to but if my hair goes brighter then that cos i have brown hair im going to be dead and maybe kicked out of school :O but haha ur hair is sooo beautiful

  14. How long do you leave the Dye in before you take it out because i had the Ultra Violet Manic Panic and I left it in for 40 minutes before i washed it and it didn't even stay in for a week. How do I get it to last longer

  15. Do u color the bottom black? I use vero pack vivids. It fades so fast.. I usually do peekabo streaks . I want to do it like yours i h ave really dark hair.. But with past experience I need to reapply the stain biweekly.. Or it's faded and not so pretty... How often do u reapply ?

  16. What Level did you bleach your hair to get that red?

  17. I have questions about your hair!
